General Considerations
There are
no page charges for publication in JIHI.
Running Title: A shorter version of the title (maximum 40 characters) is required.
Author's Affiliation: This should be write as [name of department], [name of university], [city], [country].
Corresponding Author: One of the authors submitting the manuscript must be the corresponding author. In addition to the mentioned academic affiliation, the corresponding author’s address, telephone, fax number, and email address should be written.
No manuscripts submitted to the journal can exceed 8000 words.
keywords must be provided in the keywords section at the end of the abstract. It is recommended that authors use the MeSH terms at:
All manuscripts must be typed double-spaced, single column, in size 12 font, and with adequate margins.
The manuscript file should be send as a Word document (Microsoft Word 97, 2003, 2007), well-written in American English. The manuscript should be re-checked for spelling, structure, and format mistakes.
References Style: The Vancouver style is what will be accepted. It is better to use reference managing software such as End-Note.
Conflict of Interest: The form should be downloaded from the website , completed by the author(s), and sent during submission of the article.
Standard units, symbols, and abbreviations should be used.
Title Page (or Cover Letter): This should contain the title, running title, authors’ names and affiliations, financial support, conflicts of interest, and request for reviewing the manuscript.
Authors’ Names: Full names (first, middle, and last) for all authors of an article should be given and specified with superscript number(s) for the affiliation(s) [e.g., Mark Junior Smiths
1]. The name of the corresponding author(s) should be specified with an asterisk after the name (e.g., Mark Junior Smiths
*). Where the family name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please indicate clearly.
Author Agreement Form: This form should be completed and sent after acceptance. HPR could possibly ask for a data set (as an Excel or SPSS file) of the study related to the submitted article.
Tables: Tables should be created with a word processor and saved in either the DOC or RTF format. Tables must not be embedded in the text but provided on separate pages at the end of the manuscript and saved in DOC format.
Figures: To ensure the highest print quality, figures must be submitted in either TIF or EPS format according to the following minimum resolutions:
- 1200 dpi (dots per inch) for black and white line art (simple bar graphs, charts, etc.)
- 300 dpi for halftones (black and white photographs)
- 600 dpi for combination halftones (photographs that also contain line art such as labeling or thin lines), figures should be saved as individual files. Vector-based figures (e.g., figures created in Adobe Illustrator) should be submitted in EPS format.
Structure and Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be presented in one of the following formats:
Editorials are the message of the JIHI and are written in-house by the journal's Editorial Board members. Editorials are preferably no more than 2000 words and state-of-the-art-discussions on the JIHI main scopes. An unstructured abstract is required for these types of articles.
Narrative Review Articles:
Only solicited review articles will be accepted. They should be 5000 words, and contain title, keywords, authors’ addresses corresponding author’s address, unstructured abstract (maximum 250 words), introduction, authors’ comments and evidence, conclusion, recommendations for future, references (more than 50), and legends for display items (figures and tables).
Systematic Review or Meta-Analysis:
Such articles should be between 4000-5000 words and contain title, keywords, authors’ addresses and corresponding author’s address, structured abstract (maximum 250 words), introduction, materials (search strategy and selection criteria, data extraction, quality assessment, and data analysis), results, discussion, conclusion, references, legends for display items (figures and tables).
Authors should report systematic reviews and meta-analyses in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement.
Mini Reviews:
Mini Reviews are sharply focused, well-documented examinations of timely related issues (up to ~2000 words, including tables, figures, and references). The issues may be of a controversial nature or may address a more narrowly focused area than those typically covered in a review. To maintain brevity, these articles do not need review highlights.
Original Articles:
These articles must be of primary research, methodologically accurate, and relevant to international travel medicine and global health. They should contain no more than 5000 words excluding structured abstract (maximum 250 words), tables, and references. The main text should contain an introduction (background and objectives), materials/patients and methods (including study setting, patients or participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sampling size, sampling method, data source, data tools, data measurements, data analyses and interpretations), results, discussion, conclusion, references, legends for display items (figures and tables).
Short Communication:
Short communications are short articles (mini-original articles) that present original and important preliminary findings that do not warrant publication as a full-length article but are still worthy of publication. Short communications should have an unstructured abstract and should not be more than 3000 words including references and up to three tables or figures. The main text should be sub-divided into Introduction, methods, results, and discussion and conclusion but should be written as concisely as possible. To maintain brevity, these articles do not need research highlights.
Brief Report:
Short reports should not exceed 3000 words and should contain a structured abstract (maximum 250 words). The structure of a short report is similar to that of an original article but with some limitations: concise introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and up to 2 tables or figures. To maintain brevity, these articles do not need research highlights.
These articles are mainly written in response to published commentaries by authors whose articles have been subjected to commentaries. These types of articles should not exceed 1000 words including a maximum of 1 table or figure, references, and the main text. No abstract is required for these articles.
Letters to the Editor:
Letters to the Editor can be about a recent journal article a commentary article. There are some special limitations: the letters should be up to 500 words, have no figure or table, and use up to 5-7 references. No abstract is required for these articles.
Note: Authors should write Authors’ Contributions, Conflict of Interest Disclosures, Funding/Support, and Ethical Approval at the end of any type of article.
Reference Style
All references in the text must be numbered consecutively, with each citation placed immediately after the term or phrase and usually before the period; they should appear like the following: [dot]
1, 2, 5, 6 or [dot]
When listing references, authors should follow the abbreviated names of journals according to the journal list in
Citations in the reference list should contain the names of up to 3authors; if there are more than 3, the remaining authors should be listed as “et al.” Kindly provide a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each reference.
Some examples of the journal's reference style are provided below:
1. Journal Article:
Urita Y, Watanabe T, Imai T, Samana W, Heiram A, Ehsak A, et al. Influence of chronic ethanol consumption on extra-pancreatic secretory function in rat. N Am J Med Sci. 2009;1(4):239-243. doi:
2. Book Chapter:
Ramphal R. Infections due to Pseudomonas species and related organisms. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL. Eds. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Medical; 2008:949-956.
3. Complete Book:
Margulis L: Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1970.
4. Link/URL:
U.S. positions on selected issues at the third negotiating session of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Government Reform, 2002. (Accessed March 4, 2002, at
Unpublished work accepted for publication but not yet released should be included in the reference list with the words “in press” in parentheses beside the name of the journal concerned. References must be verified by the author(s) against the original documents.
Personal communications or manuscripts either “in preparation” or “submitted for publication” are unacceptable as a reference.